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Authors Antics Politically Speaking

I read in an author’s group that writers should keep their political endorsements secret lest they offend potential readers. I don’t believe that is necessarily true. I never liked Stephen King’s politics (which were no secret in his work or his public statements) yet I bought his books. I admit that I may be an exception because I have always had very strong beliefs in political matters—still do. Those opinions rarely keep me from buying books I know don’t align with me politically.


As a reader, that’s a good thing because on a political spectrum I was born 200 years too late. The political arguments that get me stirred up are those between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. So, if it weren’t for books like Common Sense or the Federalist Papers, I would have nothing to read. Though it is very politically biased, I do have a special place in my heart for Allen Drury’s Advise and Consent series.


One reason I don’t buy the “don’t ask, don’t tell” idea of writer’s beliefs is that I don’t think it’s possible to conceal your beliefs if you write from your heart. Who I am as a person seeps into my characters and my storylines and I wouldn't have it any other way. Any remaining confusion about what I believe is quickly dispelled in my personal blog.


One thing I refuse to do is to try to please everyone socially, culturally or politically. I’m not foolish enough to believe that’s even possible. I don’t throw sops to races, religions, and sexual orientations to sell books or try to prove I’m into diversity, equity, and inclusion. Like anything else, those things are all good in the hands of good people.


If I turn out to be a successful author, years from now, English teachers will be telling their classes what my stories are really about and what social causes I championed. Some of it might even be true. However, I hope there will one person in class who knows a rougarou is just a rougarou no matter who dat rougarou voted for.


If tomorrow someone looks at one of my books and says, “He’s that prehistoric, ultra-conservative, Constitution as written loving, so and so, I’m not reading that.” I’ll be happy with that outcome.

Jack LaFountain

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